Livestock Guardian Komondors

Thank you, for your interest in our Komondors!

For more information, please feel free to email us at

Here are some adorable pictures of our Komondor puppies. Enjoy!

$1000 each per puppy, with a $200 deposit.

Our purebred puppies are healthy, friendly, and family-socialized. They come with full vaccinations, deworming, and a health record from the Armstrong Veterinary Clinic.

Our livestock guardian parent dogs are cherished family members who protect our goats, chickens, ducks, and geese with zero losses to predators. We spend quality time with our Komondors daily, training them to work well with all of our farm animals.

Has anyone ever told you that livestock guardian dogs are “untrainable?”
Check out these links below for more information:

Training Livestock Guardian Dogs: The Ultimate Guide

Training Livestock Guardian Dogs to Chickens: A Step-by-Step Guide

Read More:

We love our Komondors so much that we published an emergent children’s picture book about them! You can purchase my book, “Big Dogs Little Dogs: On the Farm,” on my website:, or on Amazon in Kindle and paperback: Don’t forget to check out my 12-book Wild Acres Farm Series, available in stores near you!

Greig Marshall purchased two Komondor puppies from us on Oct. 29th, 2022.

“Just look at those beautiful Komondors! Each day I love them even more. They are amazing dogs! My two are very happy and so much fun, their personalities also are something else. They like to switch roles to keep me on my toes, it’s hard enough still to tell them a part.”



We sold Danae Cameron a female Komondor puppy on Oct. 30, 2022.

“Hey Carolyn,
We named her Aster and she’s doing amazing; I am so impressed with her. She comes into all of the pens with me and listens very well. She is slightly indifferent to the goats but gets extremely excited to see the pigs every day. She lays down or walks around with them and she’s content. It’s enjoyable to watch her interactions with all of the animals on the homestead. The entire family is very happy with her and has fallen in love with this breed. Thank you very much for all the help and information, your kindness and quick responses helped me to make the decision to get her. I can say that I have zero regrets and I am so grateful that she is a part of the family. I hope everything is going well with your family and farm.  Kind regards, Danae Cameron”


Dec. 21, 2023. Marley and Willow from Cathy.
“”We are so impressed with this breed and these two little fluff balls are just adorable. They have settled in so well and are easy to work with. ” 



January 2, 2024
“Our Komondor puppy—Blue to you; Apollo to us. He’s a lovely boy, but already about 80 lbs!
Roland L” Date of Birth: March 12th, 2023





Komondor History:
Dignified, loyal, and brave, the Komondor is an ancient breed known as the “King of the Working Dogs.” It is a renowned and rare livestock guardian dog. The word “Komondor” can be found in Hungarian documents dating from the 16th century, though references to large sheepdogs predate that. For centuries, they have been used to guard—not herd—flocks of sheep. They are still utilized today as flock guardians, staying outside for many months in various types of extreme weather. The Komondor breed has been declared one of Hungary’s national treasures, to be preserved and protected from modification.

American Kennel Club and the Komondor Population:
The American Kennel Club recognized the Komondor in 1937. The breed was nearly wiped out during World War II, leaving only a few dozen individuals. It was slowly re-established in Hungary. The shaggy-coated Komondor is one of the most highly rated livestock guardian dogs. Since the breed’s introduction to North America from its native Hungary, Komondor dogs have dramatically helped sheep ranchers in Canada and the United States reduce losses to marauding carnivores. The worldwide Komondor population is estimated at far less than 10,000, making it a dog that most people have never seen and still rare today.

Komondor Size:
The Komondor is a large dog, with many standing over 30 inches tall. Komondor females weigh between 88 and 110 lbs, while males typically weigh between 110 and 132 lbs. The breed is medium-boned and well-muscled, possessing a surprising amount of strength.

Intelligence and Protection:
Komondors are unusually intelligent and were bred to think for themselves. Even though they are naturally wary of strangers, Komondors are smart enough to be trained to do whatever you ask of them, and they will instinctively guard without any training.

As a pet, the Komondor is quiet around the house unless it perceives a threat to those entrusted to its care. They are protective of their family, home, flock, and possessions. They are extremely affectionate with their family and friends, and they will guard children with special care. Although wary of strangers, the Komondor will accept them when it is clear that no harm is meant.

Once a new member has been introduced into the family or flock, the Komondor will never forget them. A Komondor will routinely greet someone it has not seen for years as though it had just seen them yesterday. The Komondor responds very well to positive training and praise.

Komondors are independent and watchful. Like all livestock guarding dogs, they are calm and steady when things are normal, but in cases of trouble, they will leap to defend their charges. Despite their size, Komondors are astonishingly fast, agile, and light on their feet. A Komondor can easily outrun a coyote or wolf with impressive speed and courage. They are known to rest during the day while patrolling for intruders at night. 

Grooming-Non-Shedding and Corded Coat:
Not only do their coats protect them from extremes of cold and heat, but they also provide a natural protective armor against bites, which they might receive in the line of duty. The cords are open to the skin and allow air to flow through, but are very dense, so the coat acts as both an insulator and a cooling mechanism. Their curly coat does not shed and allows them to blend in with the livestock, making their presence unknown to predators until it is too late.

The Komondor is tough and can handle quite low temperatures and extreme weather; their coat is warm in winter and water-repellent. In extreme heat, Komondors will seek shade. The coat consists of a woolly undercoat and a coarse and wavy topcoat.

As a show dog, breeders let the Komondor’s hair grow into long cords, but we have found that clipping their hair once a year in late spring works well for our farm environment. There is no set timetable, but owners who do not plan to show their dogs can trim the cords to about 3 inches long with a trimmer or blunt scissors. Their natural curly hair is basically self-cleaning, and if left to grow, their hair will begin to form natural cords. Mature cords cannot be brushed, but occasional baths help keep them clean. Their ears should also be cleaned occasionally, and the hair growth within the ear can be thinned with tweezers or blunt scissors. Regular cleaning of the ears will ensure they can hear coyotes or other predators.

Komondors on our Farm:
Since I was a child, there have always been dogs in my life. In the early 1980s, I owned a registered female Puli sheepdog for 12 years. I loved her unique coat and warmly recall her affectionate temperament, high intelligence, and willingness to learn. The Puli is a smaller breed, weighing around 35 pounds. It originated from Hungary and shares the distinctive corded coat with the Komondor.

In 2020, we purchased a purebred 8-week-old female Komondor puppy. Our older female livestock guardian dog trained our Komondor, Rogue. Later, we found a registered male Komondor in Hungary. He came from champion bloodlines, and we imported Somogyi Betyar Juhasz (Samu) when he was 10 weeks old. Our Komondor pair became best mates immediately. They enjoy playing and running around together with us and their puppies.

Our Puppies:
They are friendly and playful and have soft, non-shedding hair. They remain calm when held. Many Komondors are “late bloomers,” not fully maturing until nearly three years of age, so do not expect an eight-month-old puppy to behave as an adult working dog would. However, these dogs are smart and large enough at an early age to learn basic commands, bark, and become involved with farm life or the home environment.

Health and Diet:
Komondors do not suffer from many hereditary problems. Perhaps because the breed has descended from centuries of hardy working stock, Komondors have few genetically linked issues.

Like other livestock guarding dogs, Komondors have been bred over centuries to utilize their food efficiently. Despite their size, Komondors do not consume large meals. It’s essential to provide them with high-quality dog food suitable for their life stage (puppy, adult, senior). Many adult Komondors thrive on no more than three cups of food daily while maintaining excellent health and weight.

Our Komondor puppies are fed Blue Buffalo puppy food, and we feed our adult Komondors Canadian Naturals dog food.

Puppy Questionnaire:
The puppies will be ready for their new homes at 8 weeks of age. At this age, they are eating dry puppy food, fully weaned off their mother, and ready for their new families.

We request that you complete a puppy questionnaire before we prepare a puppy contract for you. This helps us get to know you and learn more about your household and living situation. Finding good homes for each puppy is important to us, and caring for a large breed Komondor is a lifetime commitment.

Puppy Contract:
Each puppy we sell comes with a puppy contract that the breeder and new owner both sign and date. We will send a puppy contract via email to you, and before you send a deposit please ensure that you have read it. At the time of sale, we will also provide you with a printed puppy contract and the veterinary health record/vaccinations.

A $200 deposit per Komondor is required to hold the puppy of your choice. Your full name, address, and phone number are required with the deposit to reserve a puppy. A reservation will not be held without a deposit.

Matching Komondor puppies with great homes is a tremendously rewarding experience. We look forward to booking an appointment with you and introducing you to our adult dogs and litter of Komondors.

Our Komondors and Livestock:
Our Komondors sleep outside year-round. We have a kennel area in our hay storage shed for the puppies. Komondors have a deep, loud bark that they use when necessary while patrolling at night. During the day, they sleep on a high ground spot, remaining watchful for stray dogs, predators, and strangers.

We have found the Komondor to be a good fit with our chickens, waterfowl, goats, horses, and farm cats. Our Komondors have not hurt any of our livestock. This impressive breed was bred to take on bears, cougars, wolves, coyotes, and other predators. Rogue and Samu are excellent guardians. They both enjoy spending time with us and are eager to learn. They want to please us, and we look forward to their company at chore time.

Our male Komondor, Somogyi Betyar Juhasz (Samu), is registered (see the above photo). We imported Samu from Hungary in June 2021. 

Our Male Komondor/Sire:
Our male Komondor comes from champion bloodlines. His immediate ancestors were all show dogs, and he also has working dogs in his Hungarian history. Samu is an impressive and intelligent Komondor, and we fell in love with him. He is loyal and friendly and seeks our approval. His calm disposition with our animals and family members makes him invaluable.

This is a picture of Somogyi’s dam (mother), Almadi Harsasuti Milka.

This is Somogyi’s sire/father, Canicum Pasztor Duhaj.  They both reside in Hungary.


Our Female Komondor/Dam:
Our female dog, Rogue, is a purebred Komondor. She was tested as a puppy for hip dysplasia by a veterinarian and was vaccinated, though not registered. Born in 2020, she has proved to be an excellent mother with a gentle and protective nature towards her puppies and us.

Our Komondors have not been difficult to train. They are eager to spend time with us and respond to commands without needing treats. The owner’s voice and displeasure are usually enough to make the dog understand the rules.

All working dogs should be handled daily from puppyhood, and they should have a level of manners and training. Coming when called and walking on a leash are useful skills for a working Komondor, as is accepting restraint calmly. This allows dogs to be easily moved, examined, and groomed as needed. They need to be shown their boundaries, so it helps to walk a puppy around the borders and verbally reprimand him if he leaves your property. As many times a day as possible, bring the puppy in with the livestock under supervision. This way, you can reward correct behavior and correct unwanted behavior.

Komondors excel at working solo, making decisions for the well-being of their flock without direction from a master. Our Komondors are very alert to danger. They stay up all night to protect us and the animals from the coyotes that lurk around our farm at night. We have not lost any of our livestock to predators since we purchased our Komondors. We love them as family dogs too. It is nice to be able to sleep without the worry of losing your livestock and to be able to leave our home knowing that everyone is safe and protected.


Please feel free to email us at or call us if you’re interested in purchasing a puppy or if you have any questions about our Komondors.

We look forward to hearing from you and sharing more about these wonderful puppies!

(250) 546-6561 home
(250) 309-4142 cell